
My name is Ashley, and I am a 29 year old working mom of 3 boys ages 5 and under, part time wedding coordinator, amateur photographer, hobby gardener, and one apathetic chef. Make that very apathetic. I am definitely not the picture of the “ideal” domestic goddess by any means. With working 36-40 hours a week, and 3 little boys to tend to at home, I have very little time to get home and get dinner on the table before bath time. Which, is actually fine with me. The less time I have to spend in the kitchen the better. I hate cooking. In order to save time and spare myself headaches, I tend to make large batches of freezer meals all at once. It takes quite a while to put them all together, but it’s a real time saver to just come home from work and be able to throw dinner in the oven in the same amount of time it takes me to kick off my shoes (or pick up the shoes the kids kicked off all over the living room). If a meal takes me more than 10-15 minutes to put together.. I am not interested. Not for me.

Which brings me here. After many requests of help on how to put freezer meals together, and questions on my favorite recipes, I have decided to (in a way) document my life as an apathetic chef (and still needing to nutritionally sustain a family of 5 on a daily basis). I will be walking you through making batches of freezer meals, or even just sharing some amazingly simple recipes. Which ever way you slice it, I’m here to show you how to spend less time in the kitchen and more time playing with picking up after the kids!

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