One Pan Blasamic Chicken and Veggies

Wow it has been a long time since I have posted! In this time I have made an attempt to eat healthier… Or at least to make better choices. But don’t worry! I promise everything I will share with you will not taste like “diet” food. If it did… I wouldn’t be eating it either. Along with these posts, I will also let you know what the *estimated* calorie count is per serving! Now.. This of course will vary depending on brands of foods you buy, if you decide to use fat free or not, or if you vary from the recipe. Which is totally fine! I encourage you to try different variations and PLEASE share them!

Here is a recipe from a meal we made just the other night. Amazing! I would make this over and over again. The ONLY problem I had with this is that both my husband and I forgot to put the left overs in the fridge. I could physically feel my sad face when I came downstairs in the morning and saw it sitting on the stove. Bummer.

About 4 servings, 277 calories per serving


  • 1/3 cup Italian salad dressing
  • 3 Tbsp balsamic vinegar
  • 1 1/2 Tbsp honey
  • 1/4 tsp crushed red pepper flakes
  • 1 1/4 lbs chicken breasts
  • 2 Tbsp olive oil
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • 1 lbs fresh asparagus (try to get thinner stalks, or opt for green beans)
  • 1 1/2 cups shredded carrots
  • 1 cup grape tomatoes, halved 
  • Small white onion, diced


  1. Cut rough edges off asparagus, and cut into 2 inch pieces. Put aside in a bowl along with diced onion and carrots. 
  2. In a mixing bowl, whisk together salad dressing, balsamic vinegar, honey, and red pepper flakes. Set aside. 
  3. Cut chicken breasts into strips and season with salt and pepper
  4. Heat olive oil in a large skillet over medium high heat. Place chicken evenly in skillet and cook 6-7 minutes, rotating once halfway, until chicken is cooked through
  5. Once chicken is cooked, add half the salad dressing mixture to skillet and rotate chicken evenly to coat
  6. Transfer chicken to a large plate while leave sauce in skillet
  7. Add asparagus, onion, and carrots to skillet, season with salt and pepper. Cool, stirring frequently until tender, about 4-5 minutes. Transfer veggies to plate with chicken
  8. Add remaining dressing mixture to skillet and cook, stirring continuously until thickened. About 1 minute. 
  9. Add chicken and veggies to skillet, along with tomatoes, and stir to coat. 
  10. Eat and enjoy!

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